Sunday, January 13, 2013

Truth will always be truth even if no one believes!!!

Sorry it's been fooorrreeevver since I have wrote on this thing! I am now 15 weeks pregnant! For the first trimester and the month of December I was throwing up at least three to four times a day and wasn't keeping any liquids down. I lost a bit of weight but am trying really hard to gain it back!! As soon as I got into my second trimester I just stopped throwing up! Now I feel great! I look back and it really wasn't that bad, I am positive people have it worse. I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing us to get pregnant and bring a child into this world. So 15 whole weeks...that four weeks.... we will finally know...if we are having a BOY or GIRL. We do want to know peoples choice's between boy and girl so we can run a little contest. I will tell you right now..I think it's a girl but Chase is positive it's a boy!
We had a wonderful first Christmas together and are finally in our own apartment right next to BYU. I started at BYU this past week and Chase went back to UVU. It's hard not seeing Chase's cute face at school but I am in luck, we have eternity together :). We also had Mom and Dad from Tennessee for the weekend this past weekend! Chase got sick just in time for them to come so we weren't the best entertainers but we really enjoy their company and love. I wish I could post a really good belly picture but  there is hardly anything there. In fact a lot of people ask me if I am sure I am pregnant haha I promise I am. I've seen the cute thing in there. Anywho, We watched a great devotional tonight and it was really good. I encourage all of you to watch if your in need of the spirit ;) To sum it up, President Uchtdorf says the truth will always be truth even if no one believes it! He encourages us all to find the absolute truth because once we do a lot more things in our life will be clear. We love you and miss you all.

PS. Happy Birthday to our wonderful niece Taylor Bea!

Okay this is our baby, My dad saw this and said "I have no idea what I am looking at" haha

We got twice this much but here was the first snow!

Chase using a snow- blower for the first time in his life at my aunts..we suddenly realized he doesn't have snow clothes.

Our first Christmas!

Chase practicing for our daughter ;)

okay so this is me thinking I have a baby bump...kinda

Chase's first time sledding! yay for warm snow clothes this time!