Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lets be clear

Anyone else feel like you read a billion blogs saying how hard being a mother is? Describing all the endless woes that you will face? I literally read them and think "crap I don't wanna be a mom, oh wait " then I think about all the first time moms that are reading the same blog passage and think "well they probably just cried themselves to sleep". But here is the truth... You won't feel all those things. I didn't. When Gracie came into the world I was so happy and still am. Don't think, or even assume, that your going to have the worst experience or the best experience. You might cry, a lot or have hormones that drive you into the ground but at the end of the day you'll be okay. And heck you might even smile. The fact is the love you feel for a new child will be rembered when your tired eyes are shut before you hit the pillow. My main point here is that it's easy to get caught up in motherhood is a slap in the face but it's not. You have agency to choose things within your control. Sometimes I choose to shower sometimes I don't, sometimes I eat a donut instead of running but these are my choices. And of course there are the things you can't control like how many times your babies poop goes up their back or how long they sleep but these things won't ruin your life forever. In fact I can't count how many times chase has been telling me an awful poop story but smiling from ear to ear cause it was so gross.

I also want to make one thing clear- no situation is the same and some people have special situations that it's butt dang hard. And The Lord obviuosly knows how strong they are but those people usually have the best attitude on motherhood. So instead of telling me the obvious things that's hard about motherhood tell me the beautiful things of motherhood. That your kid said I love you for the first time or went potty by themselves. Because those things give people hope. Because those things make first time moms happy. And those things will keep you going for days to come.