Gracie is now 16 months! I honestly can't believe it. She is the most wonderful little girl. She has started repeating things we say we is kinda weird honestly. It's strange to hear her say "big people" words, like "hot" and "ice". She is still saying no, stop, yes, bye, hi, grandma, daddy, mommy, and she said today "side" when we walked outside (she loves outside more than anything right now). We have a playground right across from our condo and every time she see's it she points and tries jumping out of our arms to run there. We recently had probably the best Halloween we have had .... well ever! Gracie was "thing 1" and my sister had a matching outfit that said "thing aunt". Chase was Cat in the Hat and I was the little gold fish that tries to tell the kids not to be naughty while their mom is gone haha. I made some yummy caramel apples and my mom made her famous chili. We took Gracie trick-or-treating where she blew kisses to every single person who put candy in her bag. She doesn't really like sugar but just chewed on the outside of her candy the rest of the night (she is getting her last few teeth). Gracie loves to play pretend right now, she has some fake food and will cook me something in our pans and make me eat it! When I make dinner she has to be involved. She loves to stir sauces and bake goodies. We made some yummy pumpkin muffins and Gracie learned how to work the Kitchen Aid and stir flour in a bowl.
For those who are wondering, I am 12 weeks! I have felt amazing this pregnancy, compared to miss Gracie, and the bit of yucky I have felt is starting to go away as the second trimester is coming! We see the baby tomorrow and we couldn't be more excited! At our next appointment we will know the gender of this little one and our bet is ..... BOY! We instantly agreed on Gracie's name but this boy name thing is kind of hard. Chase is set on Crew Alexander (so they will have the same initials) and I think I like it but we shall see.
Sometimes we go to church with my parents and it's wonderful because my dad takes her so we can attend our meetings. |
Tanner is the accounting firm Chase will be working with. They more than spoil us with their offer but one day we came home to a big package full of gifts at our door! I think we are going to like working for them :) |
it's not to cold for chalk right? |