Well... Hadlie is here!! Here are her stats:
Birthdate: May 10, 2015 (Mother's day even)
Weight: 6 lbs 11.7 oz
Height: 18 1/2
Full Name: Hadlie Jane Cuthbertson
Side note: I want to say thank you for all the kind words we are received, I also want to say sorry if we haven't gotten back to you if you text, called, or emailed.
May 9:
Contraction started Saturday night around 9:00 pm. Right when they started they were 10 minutes apart. They weren't painful and we were watching a movie so I pretty much just ignored them and was going in and out of sleep. 10:00 pm came around and Chase asked if I was still having them, my doctor told me to come in after an hour of 10 minute contractions or 30 minutes of 5 minute apart contractions. But I told him they weren't painful enough so I didn't want to go in. Well right when 10:00 pm hit they started 7 minutes apart but weren't painful again. At 10:30 Chase said he was going to take a shower just in case I wanted to go in this evening, he has been painting and helping my parents at their new home. At this point I got up and was walking around the room trying to prove they weren't real and would disappear once I got up. But the opposite happened, they started going into my back but still weren't painful. at 11:00 o'clock my dad told Chase and I to get to the hospital cause he wasn't about to have me go into labor in his living room. So I went downstairs changed my clothes, washed my face, brushed my teeth, hair and came up at 11:15 saying I was ready, I guess. We had a 45 minute drive to American Fork hospital and I just kept apologizing to Chase saying that we were wasting our time and sleep to get sent home when we got to the hospital. I just kept saying "it's not painful enough" haha.
May 10
We got to the hospital around midnight. I walked up to the counter and said "There is a chance I am in labor" the nurse looked at me like "Okay, We are going to send this chick home". They were really busy so someone finally came in and hooked me up around 12:20, they checked and sure enough the contractions were real! I was at a 2.5, 100% effaced, and my cervix had come forward to anterior. They told me they would come back in an hour to check and then call my doctor. I had contractions 5 minutes apart at this point but still no discomfort. They came back around 1:30 and said "Well your a 4.5!" I knew my doctor was going to keep me and I got really excited! They came back around 1:45 and told me my doctor said go ahead and admit me. I told them I didn't want an epidural, so the nurse said she would come back when a room was clean and that she wasn't in a hurry if I didn't want an epidural. She came back around 2:15 and we walked to our room. I walked around the room and told Chase to try to sleep. At this point when I was up and walking I couldn't even feel the contractions so I got discouraged. My nurse came in around 2:30 and told me it was hospital policy that they needed to monitor the baby 20 minutes. So I laid down and she hooked me up, she also checked me and sure enough I was still a 4.5. As I laid there I knew I was going to be stuck at a 4.5 for a while. I started feeling the tiredness now that I was confined to the bed and I could feel the contractions again but they still didn't hurt!! Around 3:00 I unhooked myself and walked eagerly around the room to try to make the contractions worse but I couldn't help but think that I wasn't progressing and maybe I should just get some sleep. I got in the bath for a few minutes and told Chase to tell the nurse I wanted the epidural. My mom showed up around 3:30 and the nurse came in to let me know that two people asked for the epidural right when I did and she told the doctor to do them first because I was still up and smiling holding normal conversations. The nurse didn't check me at this point but if she would have, we would have discovered I was actually at a 10! I had heard that it was so painful from a 7 to a 10 so it didn't even cross my mind I could be at a 10. My mom told me that I probably was stuck because it always got painful for her at a 6. I sat down on the couch where Chase was sitting around 3:45 and suddenly had all this cramping in my back I asked him to massage it out. My mom asked the nurse about the epidural and she said the doctor had something go wrong with one patient so it would be another ten minutes. At a little past 4 AM I was still sitting next to Chase when I felt SO MUCH PRESSURE. I yelled go get the nurse she is coming out, I didn't want to stand up so I waited as Chase sprinted into the hallway and called for the nurse. I looked up and in came the nurse and, of course, the man with the drugs. The doctor and Chase helped me to the bed, where I rolled onto my right side. The doctor said he could give my a spinal tap the would work instantly but I would need to sit up. The nurse said well lets check you first, now keep in mind here we are all thinking I was at a 4.5 and was probably starting to dilate more and that I am a big wuss, With a shocked look the nurse said "Um you are complete, 10 cm, +2". I was shocked. I was like then I don't need the epuidural. The nurse, Sara is her name, to have another nurse call the on call doctor and my doctor. She told me to breath deep because another contraction was coming. Sure enough the contraction came and I felt here head literally coming out. Still on my side the nurse lifted my left leg, the water sac was bulging out! (my water never broke on it's own) next thing I heard was "Oh her head is out and still in the sac" I felt a gush of water (the nurse had to break it with her fingers) and her body slid out. They told me because I didn't have an epidural and sat at a 10 for at least 30-45 minutes my contractions actually pushed her out for me! My mom said it was the weirdest thing to see her head in the sac.
So about two hours of labor and no pushing sweet Hadlie came into this world. I won't lie, Hadlie coming out on her own freaked me out, I kept saying I didn't know that could happen haha They told me it's VERY rare and they even have a name for it but I can't remember. The nurses did deliver her because it happened so fast. She was perfectly healthy and came out screaming. It was really strange to just sit there after words, I felt completely normal, my stomach was flat and I was just sitting there haha We both were doing so well after the 24 hour period we just headed home Monday morning. She is the worlds best baby just like Gracie was. She doesn't cry, unless we give her a bath or get her naked. She is already on a schedule and wakes up twice during the night to eat, she just grunts and eats her hand mittens until I am awake enough to pick her up. She reminds me so so so much of Gracie in looks and things she does. She sleeps with both hands on her face, never cries, and so much more! She now weighs 6lbs 5 ozs and will hopefully be back up to her birth weight soon. Gracie is adjusting but loves little Hadlie. Having a second baby is a beautiful blessing and I can't wait to see Gracie and her grow together. I can now cross a natural labor off my bucket list and feel blessed to have had such an easy experience. I would highly recommend to anyone on having a natural labor, number one you feel awesome after, number two pushing is so easy and natural because the contractions are pretty much doing the work, and number three it's not that bad. I really believe all the working out I did while pregnant made it so much easier. I worked out everyday from week 18 and that made all the difference.