Today Gracie's cute swim teacher told me she looked at my blog and it was so cute, best compliment I've ever received.... literally. haha I feel slightly like a weirdo blogging haha. But there is so much I want to remember about our lives right now.
Worst experience with two kids thus far
So my little sister had a friend over and Gracie kept following them around so I figured I would take her to get a FIZ. Fiz is this little drink store that sales fun drinks and yummy cookies. So I listened to Gracie yell cookie as I got Hadlie in her car seat and loaded into the car. We pulled up to the window and there were a few cars in front of us. All of the sudden Hadlie started screaming, I looked at the time and realized it was time for her to eat. I tried to lean over the seat, in the MOST uncomfortable position, to give her her binky. It wasn't working and she really, really started crying. Like her face was turning colors. Realizing that I'm highly unrealstic and wore a dress today I pulled into the parking lot, got her out, got back in the car, lifted my dress up to my neck, and started nursing my child. So here I am sitting in my garments nursing in the Fiz parking lot. It's okay though, the girl was super sweet and could tell I was clearly distressed as we pulled up to the window and gave Gracie a free cookie, mainly because I had rolled down Gracie's window and she was yelling cookie at the girl haha
Update on Hadlie
Hadlie is so stinking cute. She is starting to gain weight and will be two months on Friday. She is now growing out of newborn clothes but can still wear them. She is starting to loose some hair but still has dark brown hair left. She loves grandma and gracie a lot. She loves her binky and this blanket my mom made her. She only wakes up once a night in a 12 hour period. She loves when I pump breast milk and give her a bottle so we are trying to limit that. She is allergic to dairy just like Gracie and has acid reflex just like Gracie. She doesn't spit up ever but you can tell her stomach is uncomfortable after eating--due to the acid reflux. She still sleep a lot during the day and eats every 3 hours.
Update on Gracie
Gracie turned two on friday!! We spent the weekend in saint george and Zions National Park. She is full of sass and loves her sister more than anything in this world. She wakes up every morning and ask for her. She is speaking soooooo much. She is starting to repeat sentences. She like to hide things and then ask me "where did it go?" She loves saying her colors and counting. She can repeat any word now and is a smart little thing. She loves to sing and dance, she will sing at the top of her lungs while dancing around the room. She always sings at church and loves nursery. Her favorite thing right now is jumping on the tramp and doing whatever grandpa or grandma is doing. She is currently in swim lessons and has been for a few weeks. We love her swim instructor and are so thankful she is patient haha
Update on us all and things I want to remember
Gracie loves Hadlie so so much . She kisses her head, hands, feet, really anything I let her touch multiple times a day haha Being a new mom of two has been easier than I thought, I was so nervous but feel blessed with much needed strength. Chase is almost done with his first semester of his Masters and will graduate in December. He works so dang hard and we couldn't be more proud of him. We have Hadlie's blessing this weekend and a few more trips this summer.