Thursday, February 5, 2015

baby #2 we love you

I don't think many people actually read this haha My goal this year was to keep more of a journal, especially on pregnancy. With school and homework keeping a journal is kinda hard so I figured I could write some thoughts on here. This pregnancy has been different than Gracie's but same in some ways. I have found myself wishing I would've kept a journal about feelings, changes and anything else while pregnant with Gracie so that I could refer to them to see if I have experienced this before. I also feel like we documented so much of Gracie's pregnancy but this time around I can barley remember how far along I am, I usually say um somewhere around ___ months. It's not that we love Hadlie any less and if you know the story of getting pregnant with her, you would know how happy I am to be pregnant but I feel like our life is a whirl wind right now. So here is few things I would like to remind myself:

-26 weeks
-6 pounds gained
-starting to have lower right growing pain
-feeling tired but not sleeping that well (which is different than Gracie's)
-lots of pressure because she is head down (never felt that with Gracie, she was transverse until 39 weeks)
-Is a big kicker starting at 8:30 pm

I found myself monday having horrible cramps in my back and stomach. I felt a lot like this right before I went into active labor with Gracie. I waited all day trying to see if it would go away but of course it didn't. I was sent to Labor and Deliver to see what are little lady was up to. Turns out I have had an UTI for 2-3 weeks which was causing lots of pain and when left untreated makes you go into  pre-term labor. I honestly had no idea. I thought peeing every 30 seconds was normal haha I am on the meds now so hopefully nothing has infected my kidneys. So note to self--look for those symptoms, peeing 7 times a night is not normal.

I read a blog of a friend who is going through cancer and I always find myself being put back in my place of how good we have it. When I first got pregnant with Hadlie I was shocked, I couldn't even be excited because of what we went through to have to pink lines on that stick. Long story short I was having horrible left side pain and my doctor sent me straight to the ER. I was 5 weeks pregnant and scared. I got there after my body had gone into shock earlier that day, so I was exhausted. They got me to the ultra sound within minutes and when they started looking I knew something was wrong. The guy kept asking weird questions  but not saying anything positive. We went back to my room and they told me there was nothing there and my hormone levels were low so I was having a miscarriage. We left, cried in the car, and wondered if Gracie would be our only child. The next day I couldn't take it anymore I asked Chase for a blessing. In that blessing he told me specifically this child would live a normal healthy life and I shouldn't be afraid. I have never forgotten those words since he spoke them, turns out the ER was very wrong and misunderstood how far along I was. Hadlie is healthy and I couldn't be more thankful to be growing our family by one. We don't know how many children will actually be in our earthly family (and thats a horrible feeling) but I do know that God has a plan for us. He sent Hadlie here, now, for a purpose. I am so thankful for the power of the Preisthood and that Chase can bless me in times of need. Whenever I discuss a hard time with him his first suggestion is a blessing and Oh what a blessing that is! There aren't mistakes in this world, I am certain of that. It's hard to believe our little one will be here in 14 weeks or less, I can't believe our sweet Gracie will be a big sister!

We love you Hadlie

Mommy, Daddy, Gracie

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