Monday, February 2, 2015

Worst. Moment. Ever.

You know those times that make you think, why do I ever go in public, alone with my child(ren)? Well honestly I haven't ever had that moment with Gracie until Friday. I will be honest Gracie has been an angel child- cute as can be, always listened, never threw a fit, blah blah. Then 18 months hit and she has been getting some sassy and more cuteness ;) Anyway. So some background Gracie had a fever Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday but woke up seemingly fine Friday. She had no other symptoms but a weird fever so I figured just something she picked up from another kid. Well Friday morning came around and we did our normal bath, go to the gym, come home eat routine. Normally on Friday's I take her swimming but I wasn't sure if she was sick so I just did my thing and came home. Gracie will be 19 months tomorrow and I always take her shopping and lunch for her mile stone birthday's. Since the 19 month mark landed on a "school day" I thought Friday would be perfect to go ahead and head to the mall. Anyone who knows me knows our first and usually only stop is Baby Gap, that Friday we could also get 50% off clothing so I decided I would get the girls their summer stuff (no winter stuff, just summer). Sorry if your asleep by now, I'm getting to the worst part I promise. So arms full of summer stuff, Gracie was loving that I was letting her walk instead of bringing the stroller in. As I was comparing some sizes I look over and see her hiding behind some clothes, I walked towards her being all cute saying "where is boo boo (that's what we call her)". Then it hit me... Like I would imagine a large Sumo wrestler would... The smell of poop. Horrified I picked her up.... This is where it all went south... like Florida south. It wasn't poop it was diarrhea, pure golden liquid diarrhea. Over flowing out of her diaper, on to my arm, on to the floor, up the back of her very white shirt, and lastly on my pants. The wipes were folded up into this cool contraption diaper changing thing so as I am trying to get Gracie to stand by me unfolding this stupid thing I couldn't decide what to clean up first, the floor, my arm, her back.. you get the idea. I was seriously panicked. Realizing I didn't refill the wipes before leaving, nor did I have a change of clothes for her, I had to make each wipey really count and clean up more than it could handle. After realizing I wasn't just buying summer clothes anymore I was frantically eye searching for a pair of leggings and a new shirt. In my mind I was yelling at myself "change her diaper first, is there anything in the diaper?! NO pay for some clothes to change her into first, NO go out in the hall" After was seemed an eternity I choose to drag her into the hall to change her diaper, clean her back off and drag her back in. Luckily we were the only customers in Gap so no one was around to see my epic mommy fail. We got our clothes, went to the car, cried, and drove home. I called Chase to find me laughing through my tears wondering what the HAIL just happened.

She is feeling better now and we didn't leave the house this weekend haha While all this was happening she didn't cry once in fact she tried getting a wipe to help me clean it up haha I guess my mommy moment was due and I think I'll hold off on another one for like ... ever.

This is the outfit we purchase after the accident haha

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